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Showing posts from February, 2019

sorting,merge,insertion and bubble sort(with C programming code provided)

Sorting Sorting means arranging a set of data in the same order. In our daily life,we can see so many  applications using the data in sorted order as telephone directory,merit,list,roll number etc.So , sorting is nothing but storage of data in sorted order(it can be in ascending or descending order). Some Sorting techniques: Bubble sort Selection sort Insertion sort Merge sort Quick sort Heap sort Radix sort Shell sort Bucket Sort Counting sort The main component in any sorting is the key comparison because most of the time we need to  compare the key with elements in a list.The number of comparisons are more,then time for executing  the program is also more. Let ‘n’ be the input size of an array. If n increases,then time for execution also increases,So, execution  time will be varying with different volumes of data. The efficiency of any sorting techniq