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Showing posts from June, 2019

Keras Introduction in spyder3

Introduction to Keras :   Keras is a high-level neural networks API, capable of running on top of Tensorflow , Theano, and CNTK . It enables fast experimentation through a high level, user-friendly, modular and extensible API. Keras can also be run on both CPU and GPU. Keras was developed and is maintained by Francois Chollet and is part of the Tensorflow core, which makes it Tensorflows preferred high-level API. In this article, we will go over the basics of Keras including the two most used Keras models ( Sequential and Functional ), the core layers as well as some preprocessing functionalities. Downloading keras in ubuntu(linux): First we will show how to download it. All the guidance of download is for ubuntu(linux) command line. For windows downloading of keras, follow here . You need tensorflow backend to run Keras. So, first in ubuntu 18.04, go to command, write bash. Then bash line with $ will open. Now, write pip3 install tensorflow It is gonna tak

Time series analysis

Introduction to time series analysis: Nowadays, one of the most needed skills in data science is time series. Any data, based on time stamps, is considered as and analyzed as time series. Time series analysis is a deep part of sales, offers and launches of products in industrial levels; while also it is deeply used to detect different events in physical worlds and different systems and therefore used as a general analysis tool in many parts of physics and analyzing different types of experiments and natural phenomenon. Now, that's all in air, let's dive in the basic theory and then we will discuss details of technical analysis as how to do  time series analysis with python time series analysis with R Basic theory of time series: According to Wikipedia, " A time series is a series of data points indexed (or listed or graphed) in time order. Most commonly, a time series is a sequence taken at successive equally spaced points in time. Thus it is a s