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Showing posts from August, 2021

Introduction to pyspark

 Introduction:  Pyspark is one of the first big data tools and one of the fastest too. In this article, we will discuss the introductory part of pyspark and share a lot of learning inspired from datacamp's course. The first step: The first step in using Spark is connecting to a cluster. In practice, the cluster will be hosted on a remote machine that's connected to all other nodes. There will be one computer, called the master that manages splitting up the data and the computations. The master is connected to the rest of the computers in the cluster, which are called worker . The master sends the workers data and calculations to run, and they send their results back to the master. Creating a connection to spark: Creating the connection is as simple as creating an instance of the SparkContext class. The class constructor takes a few optional arguments that allow you to specify the attributes of the cluster you're connecting to. An object holding all these att

Tinder bio generation with OpenAI GPT-3 API

Introduction: Recently I got access to OpenAI API beta. After a few simple experiments, I set on creating a simple test project. In this project, I will try to create good tinder bio for a specific person.  The abc of openai API playground: In the OpenAI API playground, you get a prompt, and then you can write instructions or specific text to trigger a response from the gpt-3 models. There are also a number of preset templates which loads a specific kind of prompt and let's you generate pre-prepared results. What are the models available? There are 4 models which are stable. These are: (1) curie (2) babbage (3) ada (4) da-vinci da-vinci is the strongest of them all and can perform all downstream tasks which other models can do. There are 2 other new models which openai introduced this year (2021) named da-vinci-instruct-beta and curie-instruct-beta. These instruction models are specifically built for taking in instructions. As OpenAI blog explains and also you will see in our