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Showing posts from January, 2022

spacy ner introduction and usage

 Introduction: One of the main application of spacy is to perform named entity recognition or ner activity with it.  Named entity recognition stands for the NLP task where we detect named entity or entities such as organization, person, location etc different entity names. Spacy provides built-in methods to detect named entity recognition. In this article, we will go through the basics of detecting the different ner and using the spacy ner features. What is NER and what are the different labels? NER or named entity recognition, is the procedure to detect named entities using natural language processing algorithms. In spacy, universal ner labels are detected by default. So there are the following ner in this ner label list: (1) PERSON: this represents any kind of person. This includes fictional and real people. fictional basically refers to cartoon, movie or book characters etc. (2) NORP: nationalities or religious or political groups. This refers to basically a type of community o

Pyarabic: python package for Arabic language

 Introduction:  In languages which are non-english and non-european as well, NLP work has progressed slowly in the last few decades because of the lesser number of scholars working on them as well as a lack of global interest in them. But now the time has changed and people from all over the world are collaborating on these lesser explored libraries and they are building resources for working on these languages with the same ease with that of english.  Pyarabic is a package created from such a similar effort which deals with the intricate details of the arabic language and helps processing all kinds of arabic texts. While trying to learn it, being from a non-arab background, I couldn't read lots of parts of the main readthedocs site and had to work my around it. So in this blog post, I will summarize my learnings in english language, so that you can learn it and use the package with much more ease than me. [Credit where credit is due: this article heavily uses the actual docum

java learning first step: in comparison to python

Introduction: I didn't start my career with java, but with python and a bit of C. Then years after, I am learning java for android projects. In this blog, I will point out how I am learning java and also a little bit of resources and information along the way to help you learn.  This is more for a person who already is familiar with the programming concepts but is getting accustomed with the java syntax. Also it only spans to very basic and if people like it then only I will proceed with further details. I have taken guidance and screenshots from the android course by rob percieval for this blog. If you want to learn android, do take his course. Thanks and lets begin. Initial observations:  (1) a java code needs to have a class to start with. Also each class has method or functions associated to a class. among these methods, it must have the main method. (2) void means it returns nothing. (3) static means some variable which doesn't change at all. it is only dependent on t