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collection and short reviews of interesting streamlit applications

     Streamlit application listing


Streamlit is an up and coming platform for hosting data apps with pythonic format to write them up. You don't need to know anything about tough and complicated web frameworks like django and flask and yet you can host your data apps using streamlit from now on. I created a streamlit application and released tutorials on starting up with streamlit and also how to design different components of apps in streamlit. Now I have connected with a few streamlit enthusiasts via that and have been seeing really cool apps being created with streamlit.

So in this post, I will post some of the cool streamlit apps I find in internet. Later on I may add descriptions for some of these.

NLP apps:

(1) nlp app for sentiment detection, tokenization and number of nlp actions

(2) my spacy streamlit app  works on spacy, does dependency parsing, entity tagging and pos tagging.

Stock apps:

(1) stock analysis app:

 This is written by one of my open-source friends and data developer, EE ajaegbu.  This application creates and plots different charts, calculates number of metrics like alpha etc for stocks of different companies.

Code generator apps:

Let's look at this cool code generator app. This is written by johannes Rieke, a cool deep learning engineer. This application lets you create sklearn, pytorch codes for image classification, object detection. 

Gravitational wave app:

This app is huge. Check out the latest post on streamlit's blog by Jonah Kanner and Jameson Rollins of the LIGO Laboratory, California Institute of Technology and Leo Singer of the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center on making exploring gravitational waves in deep space accessible to students 🛰️

I also wanna thank Mr. Ted TC Rick for helping in building this list as he points out kickass streamlit apps all the time.  

Educational data exploration app: 

check the following App on exploring US education data. This is created using US education data; and this app lets you predict the grade score given the main inputs using slider.

Streamlit based encryption app:

 check this application built by immeonizer in streamlit, which helps us do text encryption using streamlit. it uses a python package named imcrypt; and let's you encrypt strings.

application with neural search:

This app is created by jina researcher alex to show off the power of jina, the neural search framework. Jina ai is a great neural search tool which employs the power of neural network based embeddings to power image, text and mixed search methods. In the application, alex shows the power of jina by implementing a search across around 10000 playstore and applestore applications. Check the app to know more about jina and streamlit. Specialties also lie in advanced style implementation in the front end code of the app. do check it out!

Application with showcasing streamlit theming! [new at 2021 19th march]

This app developed by streamlit showcases the theming feature. theming allows you to use all sorts of fancy css, html stylings without you ever touching the front end code. Check the app and its code for further understanding!

This post will not have any end. I encourage you to send me cool streamlit app links and I will write about them here. Let's create a great streamlit starter collection here.


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